Lottery History in Europe


The first modern European lotteries appeared during the 15th century in Burgundy and Flanders, as towns sought to raise money for poor and defense needs. In 1520, Francis I of France approved lotteries in many cities. In 1539, the city-state of Modena held its first public lottery. This game became known as ventura, and is credited with being the first lottery in Europe.

Dutch state-owned Staatsloterij is the oldest running lottery

The Netherlands state-owned Staatsloterij is one of the world’s oldest running lotteries. The first game was held in the town of Sluis in 1434. The game quickly became popular and served as a way for the government to raise money for poor citizens. It also helped free slaves in other countries. Today, it is a popular form of entertainment and taxation in the Netherlands.

English state lotteries

English state lotteries are an ancient way to win large prizes. They were first created in 1567 by Queen Elizabeth I as a way to increase the country’s wealth. Queen Elizabeth also wanted to improve trade and build ships and ports. Prizes in the first lottery included a plate, tapestry, and good linen cloth. In addition, ticket holders were offered immunity from arrest.

Italian national lotteries

Italian national lotteries are among the most popular in Europe. With great jackpots, daily prizes, and a variety of games, Italian national lotteries are popular with fans from all walks of life. There are six popular lotteries available in Italy, including the SuperEnalotto, the biggest draw in Italy.

French state lotteries

French state lotteries have existed since the eighteenth century. Since France legalized gambling, the state has fought against the proliferation of private lotteries. The monarchy, in particular, was concerned that private lotteries would corrupt the system. In 1759, the Conseil de France ruled that no one could sell or promote lottery tickets without royal approval. The only exceptions to this rule were for charitable causes and the financing of public works.

Italian state lotteries

In Italy, state lotteries contribute a significant amount to various causes. Most of the proceeds go to the state Treasury, while a significant percentage goes to the Ministry of Cultural Activities. These funds help support a variety of social and sports events and programs.

German state lotteries

The German state lotteries have a growing number of players, and they’ve been attracting new players online. A recent study shows that nearly 913 million euros were generated through digital channels in 2020, up from a little over 800 million euros a year earlier. The internet accounted for almost 11 percent of all transactions nationwide. The biggest winners last year were the participants, with 1,094 game orders generating a profit of 100,000 euros or more, and 145 game orders achieving an individual quota of 1 million euros.